Monday, 4 February 2008

First Comenius Meeting - Tres Cantos ( Spain )

October 2007

Coordinators in the partner shools and some other teachers from the different countries met in Aldebaran School ( Tres Cantos - Madrid / Spain )

We were working on the mainlines of the project.
We introduced our schools to the pupils , teachers and educative advisors in Spain.

The coordinators of the Project in each school: (left to right)

Duygu Benian - Turkey
Lars Therkelsen - Greenland
Louise French - United Kingdom
Christine Fritsche - Germany
Sonia González - Spain
Giannoula Niarou-Giaki - Greece

We visited the Town Hall in Tres Cantos and met the Concellor of Education and ViceMayor Mrs. Araceli Temprado with her assistants in educational matters.

Pupils had some lessons with the foreign teachers and learnt something more about the other schools and countries. It was a great experience!

We visited Madrid - some typical and interesting place in the old city , El Museo del Prado , Centro de Arte Reina Sofía , The old Castle in Manzanares El Real and Toledo. Everybody could taste the Spanish food and enjoy a flamenco show.

European Identity – Identity in Europe:
Who am I? Who are you? Who are we?

Comenius Project 2007/2009
Partner Schools in:
. Nordheim - Germany
. Perama Ioanninon - Greece
. Ikerasak – Greenland ( Denmark)
. Istambul – Turkey
. Tres Cantos – Madrid ( Spain )

Unofficial partners - They are working with us but they could not have the official approval.

. Driffield - East Yorkshire ( United Kingdom) . Brugherio - Milano ( Italia)

We are working in this project with illussion to drive the European identity in our Schools.
We will learn and share about our different cultures and way of life in each school and country.